Thursday, August 10, 2006

"Arnold" by Nick Harris

I think I've found a new favorite work of art:

'Arnold just couldn't think outside the box, before his first, strong cup of coffee'

by Nick Harris

C'mon admit it, far too many of us feel this way every Monday morning!


:P fuzzbox said...

Man that is a great pic. Screw Mondays I feel like that every day of the week.

LoraLoo said...

That IS a great picture. I have often felt exactly that way...

Keshi said...

HAHA yes I do mate.

If not for my coffee I'd remain looking like that till Fri.


Anonymous said...

I admit it!

dantallion said...

I clean up good, don't I?

St. Dickeybird said...

If I had (better) hair, that would be my portrait.

Perplexio said...

fuzz: I think it's a natural state of being for many of us.

loraloo: One of my coworkers had the picture in a book, so I hunted it down on the net so I could set it up as my windows wallpaper. :-)

keshi: It's a brilliant work I think.

barbara: It seems that most of my readers are also admitting it hehehe.

dantallion: impeccably so, yes!

st. dickeybird: you mean it's not a "before" picture? ;-)

Susan as Herself said...

Actually, that's about how I feel EVERY morning, as well as each night when I get into bed.

But I guess I should feel grateful I don't have to sleep in a pine box.

ink said...

Brilliant! Just .... brilliant! :P

Anonymous said...

I'm with Fuzz and Susan; that's the way I am every morning.

Jeff said...

Wow, that is a really awesome looking picture.

Green Eyes said...

LMAO, thank god I don't drink coffee!