I'm a perpetually puzzling and persistently pleasant person. My purpose is to propose perplexing points and queries to the predominantly problematic issues concerns and etc. pervading, invading, overtaking our lives via the perpetual posturing of pretentious celebrity types who purport to know better than we pious people how to live our otherwise pleasant lives. Prior to further perplexing you it is an honour and pleasure to make your acquaintance.... And it's also a good thing I don't have any spitting problems or my monitor would be drenched by now.
Man that is a great pic. Screw Mondays I feel like that every day of the week.
That IS a great picture. I have often felt exactly that way...
HAHA yes I do mate.
If not for my coffee I'd remain looking like that till Fri.
I admit it!
I clean up good, don't I?
If I had (better) hair, that would be my portrait.
fuzz: I think it's a natural state of being for many of us.
loraloo: One of my coworkers had the picture in a book, so I hunted it down on the net so I could set it up as my windows wallpaper. :-)
keshi: It's a brilliant work I think.
barbara: It seems that most of my readers are also admitting it hehehe.
dantallion: impeccably so, yes!
st. dickeybird: you mean it's not a "before" picture? ;-)
Actually, that's about how I feel EVERY morning, as well as each night when I get into bed.
But I guess I should feel grateful I don't have to sleep in a pine box.
Brilliant! Just .... brilliant! :P
I'm with Fuzz and Susan; that's the way I am every morning.
Wow, that is a really awesome looking picture.
LMAO, thank god I don't drink coffee!
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