Thursday, August 17, 2006

Music Meme

1. Turn on your favorite media player and turn your shuffle feature on.
2. Hit "play" and keep track of the next 20 songs that come up. (If you have iTunes, you can make a smart playlist that will automatically list your most recently played selections.)
3. Post your 20 shuffled songs, along with these instructions. You are not allowed to lie, omit tracks or otherwise try to make your musical taste seem hipper than it actually is.
4. Tag five people on your friends list to do the same.

Valentine - America
The Unknown Soldier - The Doors
Dead Duck - Badly Drawn Boy
Gel - Collective Soul
Smoke - Ben Folds Five
Ain't Even Done With the Night - John Mellencamp
Kate (live) - Ben Folds Five
Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed
Tonight She Comes - The Cars
Mammagamma 04 - Alan Parsons
You're So Vain - Carly Simon
It's a Mistake - Colin Hay
Twenty-Flight Rock - Eddie Cochran
Georgy Porgy (live) - Toto
Total Eclipse of the Heart - Nikki French
Underneath It All - No Doubt
The Naked Flame - The Cruel Sea
A Most Peculiar Man - Simon & Garfunkel
Chris & Kevin's Excellent Adventure - Mike Portnoy
Since You're Gone - The Cars

And I Tag:
St. Dickeybird
Greg the Surly


Keshi said...

Nice one mate :)

btw check out my current song cos I know ur gonna love it. I thought of u too when I put it up.


Perplexio said...

keshi: That music video is absolutely hilarious (unintentionally so, I believe). I swear there's a family of squirrels living in lead vocalist, Bill Champlin's mullet in that video.

If you want some more laughs from a Chicago music video, check out their video for Stay the Night which is one of THE funniest (and incidentally best, imho) music videos ever!

dantallion said...

The one that really surprised me was the nikki french. lol

That being said, I'm charging up the old iPod right now to see what kind of embarrassment it's goign to cause me.

St. Dickeybird said...

I'll run this one from home. My iPod hasn't a very exciting mix as it's for work use. Home is where the embarassment lies.

I'm predicting Roxette, William Shatner, and Ozzy Osbourne covering the BeeGees will each make an appearance...

Perplexio said...

dantallion: I agree my list wasn't surprising because of what was on it so much as for the musicians/artists that remained conspicuously absent from the list... especially given the sheer volume of mp3s by those musicians/singers on my HD (I'm not using an Ipod, I'm using about 70GBs worth of an external 120GB HD hooked up to my work laptop I just carry the HD back and forth to and from work so I always have my WHOLE collection with me).

Dickeybird: But is it as bad as hearing Leonard Nimoy singing Mr. Tambourine Man? Do you have any Hasslehoff in your collection or is he just BEYOND embarrassing?

Anonymous said...

Will do right now. How many songs do you have on your MP3? I've got almost 2,000.

Out the 20 you listed, I have 8 of those.

Jeff said...

I just posted my list over on my blog.

Perplexio said...

Barbara: I currently have 12,065 mp3s on my external HD. Although I believe I have some duplicates, I need to go in and clean it up sometime.

jeff: I checked it out, there's some good stuff there. :-)

David Amulet said...

I have seen this now three times, and I'm getting sucked in. Here are my last ten:

1. Bulletboys, "For the Love of Money"
2. INXS, "Elegantly Wasted"
3. Led Zeppelin, "When the Levee Breaks"
4. Black Sabbath, "Heaven and Hell"
5. Little River Band, "Lonesome Loser" (yes, really)
6. Kingdom Come, "Get It On"
7. Def Leppard, "Don't Shoot Shotgun"
8. The Police, "Flexible Strategies"
9. The Commodores, "Oh No"
10. Bryan Adams, "Somebody"

-- david

Jason & Traci said...

Your Colin Hay that off the acoustic CD? I have that. It is amazing.
Enjoyed your list.