On the same trip we decided to take in a sunset on the Green Bay side of Door County.
In the summer of 2007, my wife & I headed east for a week of camping in the Adirondacks with all of my siblings, nieces, nephews, and even one of my aunts. We shared a waterfront site with my parents. We took several sunset photos but I thought this one turned out the best. I grew up about 25-30 miles north of this particular campground. This photo does make me miss the scenery where I grew up.
This was taken from the summit of Debar Mountain. On the same trip, my wife climbed her first mountain. While this was also the first mountain I had ever climbed, it was the third time I'd climbed it (the first time being in 1987). It's a 9 mile hike round trip. I loved not only the view but the serenity and peacefulness on the summit. Incidentally, the lake in the photograph is the same one I took the sunset photo from.
This was taken by my wife when we were canoeing on Meacham Lake. That mountain behind the lake is Debar... the same one that the previous photo of the lake was taken from.
OMG Perplexo! I also have taken sunset pics in Door County! I can't remember if took them at Ellis Bay or at Ephraim. I do remember camping out at Peninsula State Park a few times. Never saw so many deer in one weekend before while I there!
Drew: My wife & I thoroughly enjoyed both of our trips up to Door County. It's a really nice area.
Greetings, Perplexio! Thanks for stopping by my blog--although you probably live down the street from me, given that we are both in Aurora and our relatives are all far away in Naperville. I see by your contact page that you list "Love Actually" as a favorite movie. It is my favorite movie of all time--so we have a little something in common!
Great pics.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, buddy.
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