Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Is it just me or is there an uncanny resemblance?

between former Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill Cowher:

And soon to be former NY State Governor Eliot Spitzer:

Just a moustache and a baseball cap difference... Uncanny!


David Amulet said...

I would not have noticed it if you hadn't found these pictures. But now that i see it, I'll never see Spitzer scowl again without seeing Cowher do it, too.

dantallion said...

That's uncanny...

A New Yorker said...

Hmmm. Do you think Cowher would like this comparrison? :-P

tworabbitshow said...

They both like $5000 per night hookers?

BeckEye said...

Ha ha!! I just mentioned this on Grant Miller's blog mere minutes ago! So glad someone else sees it. Let's hope Bill doesn't go dahntahn 'n at to pick up hookers and Primanti's sandwiches.

Perplexio said...

David: As a former NYer I still take interest in the state politics there. When Spitzer was first elected I noticed a resemblance but I couldn't put my finger on who he resembled... When I saw the scowl the bells really went off inside my head.

dantallion: Steelers football games used to be a joy to watch because Cowher was a very animated coach and if at any point in the game things weren't going well the camera would show Cowher scowling to the general amusement of the fans of the opposing team.

lauren: He likely would not care for such a comparison, but I don't know the guy so I'm not sure of that.

tworabbitshow: I don't know Cowher's proclivities-- he tends to keep that stuff a bit more private than Spitzer. I know part of the reason he retired when he did was so he could spend more time with his family before his daughter(s) go off to college.

beckeye: I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees/saw it!

awareness said...

Separated at birth it seems. Can coach Cowher keep his Mr. Happy in his pants though??